Program Overview
The Altoona Housing Authority is responsible for administering the Section 8 rental assistance program in the City of Altoona. The staff administers Vouchers that are utilized throughout the City. The staff is responsible for monitoring tenant and landlord compliance with the program regulations.
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides rental assistance in the form of a voucher to low and very-low income families, singles, senior citizens, disabled and handicapped individuals.
Eligible applicants will be issued a “Housing Choice Voucher.” Holders are responsible for finding their own suitable housing within the city based upon the size of their family and the requirements of the program.
The Section 8 Department can be contacted if you have any questions or need assistance.
To Qualify You Must Meet These Income Guidelines
Effective April 15, 2024: Gross household incomes must not exceed the following amounts:
Household Size | Income Limits |
1 Person Household | $29,750 or less per year |
2 Person Household | $33,950 or less per year |
3 Person Household | $38,200 or less per year |
4 Person Household | $42,450 or less per year |
5 Person Household | $45,850 or less per year |
6 Person Household | $49,250 or less per year |
7 Person Household | $52,650 or less per year |
8 Person Household | $56,050 or less per year |

Placement Procedure
The Waiting List is maintained according to date and time of application. Eligible applicants only pay 30% of their gross income towards rent/utilities. If an eligible tenant is living outside of the city limits of Altoona, they must move within the city limits of Altoona to use the Section 8 voucher. The tenant is responsible for finding the apartment/house in which they want to use the rental assistance.
Preference Points
If applicable, please provide the following information to receive preference points which will move your position closer to the top of the Waiting List:
Residency Preference: Given to any applicant, spouse or co-head that currently lives in, previously lived in or who currently works in the city of Altoona. Post Office boxes or temporary housing do not qualify.
Provide: Valid driver’s license or ID, lease, utility bill, paystub, etc. **
Working Family Preference: Given to any applicant, spouse or co-head who is employed 20 hours or more a week, over 62 years of age, receiving disability or receiving unemployment compensation.
Provide: Current paystub showing 20 hours per week, Social Security award letter, unemployment letter, proof of age, etc. **
Veteran’s Preference: Given to any applicant, spouse, surviving spouse, dependent parent or child of a Veteran and the divorced spouse of a Veteran, who is a legal guardian of a child of the Veteran. The Veteran must be currently active or received an “honorable” or general discharge from the military (or equivalent thereof).
Provide: Military ID or DD214 for consideration. **
**Additional information regarding preference points is available upon request.
Kathi Ardizzone,
Section 8 Coordinator
(814) 949-2008 ext. 321
Kathi manages the Section 8 Department, ensuring all procedures are properly met and can be contacted for general program questions.
Jen Drass,
Assistant Section 8 Coordinator
(814) 949-2008 ext. 322
Jen is the caseworker for tenants at The Taylor/Fairview, Harmony House, HUD-VASH Vouchers. She completes new tenant lease-ups and processes payments.
Gina Kemp,
Management Aide
(814) 949-2008 ext. 300
Gina is the AHA receptionist. She is responsible for maintaining the Waiting List and can be contacted for general program questions.
Terra Benton,
Management Aide
(814) 949-2008 ext. 320
Terra is the caseworker for tenants with last name A-C, City Hall Commons and Pleasant Village.
Kirk Robison,
Management Aide
(814) 949-2008 ext. 324
Kirk is the caseworker for tenants with last name D-M.
Doreen Yahner,
Management Aide II
(814) 949-2008 ext. 301
Doreen is the caseworker for tenants with last name N-Z.
Dan Wogan,
Housing Inspector
(814) 949-2008 ext. 325
Dan inspects units prior to tenant move-in and on an annual basis thereafter to ensure building regulations are met.